Undisclosed sale prices are indicated with ‘Un’ next to the sale price and are displayed only in RP Data. Undisclosed sale prices are not disclosed to the public on any other consumer websites or portals owned by CoreLogic.
RP Data is designed to be a property research tool for real estate professionals and works closely with the real estate industry to provide the most comprehensive property information available for day-to-day research and appraisal tasks.
In 2018, a consultation with the real estate industry saw that 95% of respondents support the disclosure of recent sales prices in our professional products (such as RP Data) whilst continuing to withhold these sold prices from other consumer products and reports.
The disclosure of sale prices also addresses advice from Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) that a Real Estate agent is required to include the sold price of a comparable property, irrespective of the existence of an NDA, to ensure compliance within the Statement of Information (SOI).
If you require an undisclosed sale price to be suppressed in RP Data prior to settlement (with the exception of VIC, as explained above), please email recent.sales@corelogic.com.au.