Having trouble finding something in RiTA?
For instance, if you are searching up a contact and are unable to find them in RiTA, consider the following:
When were they added to your CRM?
If it has been less than ~48 hours they most likely haven't synced across to RiTA yet, changes between your CRM and RiTA typically take 24-48~ hours to sync across - sometimes even longer depending on the amount of contacts and data size.
Consider Contact Ownership?
In your CRM do you have explicit ownership or access to the contact - if not that may be why they aren't appearing in RiTA for you.
Duplicate Contact?
Ensure that the contact you're looking for and the changes made to them aren't a duplicate contact - some duplicate contacts can have differing contact ownership too.
If you are wanting to clean up your data you can create your own custom list and use the "Contact has possible duplicates: Yes" filter, this will bring in any contacts that RiTA suspects are duplicate contacts, allowing you to clean up your data.
Find out how to make a custom list here and how our filters function here.
Check Mandatory Filters [Admin]
The following can only be done by Admin user types within RiTA.
Check the mandatory filters for the Agent that has reported the problem after doing the above steps,
Ensure that the contacts they are meant to have access to are outlined here - in an open database this shouldn't matter.
Where is the Contact Category Tag on my Contact?
Just like all changes made in RiTA and your CRM, they typically take 24-48~ hours to sync over. So if you've clicked on a contact in RiTA and are unable to find a contact category you've just assigned to them, wait for this allotted amount of time.
If this time passes and the contact category still is not there, ensure that they are a duplicate contact that you are checking (using the steps mentioned earlier in the article), if they are not a duplicate also ensure that you have an active connection to your CRM - you can find out how to do that here.
Upon doing all these steps, if you still cannot find what you are looking for in RiTA - feel free to reach out to our friendly support.
Also, to see how RiTA integrates with your CRM and how data syncs between the both of them click here.