The Suburb Statistics Report includes the following information for houses, units and land:
Area Profile Information
Market Trend snapshots, for example:
Number of Properties Sold
Average Tenure
New Listing
Average Days on Market
Median Value
Sales Per Annum
Changes in Median Value
For Sale & Rental Listings Statistics
Census Trends including Household Structure, Age, Household Income, Education Level and Occupation
On the homepage:
Click on the Reports tab
Select Suburb Statistics Report from the drop-down menu
Type in a suburb name and select a suburb from the list of suggestions.
Click Create Report
Image 1: Creating a report from the homepage.
To generate a Suburb Statistics Report from a property detail page, click on Reports and select Suburb Statistics Report.
Image 2: Launching the reports menu from a property detail page.
To generate a Suburb Statistics Report from a search results page, click on Reports and select Suburb Statistics Report
Image 3: Launching the reports menu from a search results page.
You may customise the report to include only the information you want or change the order of pages in the report.
Tick the checkboxes to select the property type you are researching. You may select more than one property type.
Image 4: Selecting property type.
Click and drag the report sections up or down to change their order. Tick the checkboxes to select the sections you want to include. You may include or exclude sections with the lock icon but you will not be able to move them. Your selection and preferences will be retained for future reports.
Image 5: Customising report sections.
The brand colour and logo used on the report can be changed in the Manage Branding tab in RP Data.