This report provides an estimated value for a specific property based on market movements and comparable local area sales. It is also known as an Automated Valuation Model (AVM) Report. You may also refer to the video below for more information on AVM's:
On the homepage:
Click on the Reports tab
Select Valuation Estimate or Rental Estimate from the drop-down menu
Type in a property address and select the correct address from the list of suggestions
Click Create Report
Image 1: Creating a report from the homepage.
On a search results page, click on the three dots and select either the Valuation Estimate or Rental Estimate Report.
Image 2: Launching the reports menu from a search results page.
On a property detail page, click on Reports and select either the Valuation Estimate or Rental Estimate Report.
Image 3: Launching the reports menu from a property detail page.
You may also scroll down to the Valuation Estimates panel and choose between a Valuation Estimate and a Rental Estimate.
Click on the Valuation Estimate button or the Rental Estimate button to generate an AVM report.
Image 4: Switching between a Valuation Estimate and Rental Estimate.
To create a customised report, click on Create customised Valuation Estimate within the Valuation Estimates panel. This lets you update the property attributes if there has been a recent or planned renovation on the property and factor that into the Valuation Estimate. Edit the data available and click on the drop-down menu and select the option that applies to you:
For modelling purposes only: the updated data will only be used in this report.
Current and accurate: the updated data will be submitted to our data quality team and applied to the property record upon verification.
Image 5: Creating a customised valuation estimate.
You have to choose an option to proceed. Click on the Update Valuation button to include your data update and refresh the Valuation Estimate. Click on the Download button to get a PDF report.