The 1 Page PDF Report is designed to present the following important information about a property on a single page:
property photo and features
satellite and cadastral maps
property owner’s names (where available)
occupancy type
development zoning information (where available)
last sale details and sales history (up to the last four transactions)
On the homepage:
Click on the Reports tab
Select 1 Page PDF from the drop-down menu
Type in a property address and select the correct address from the list of suggestions
Click Create Report
On a property detail page, click on Reports and select 1 Page PDF.
On a search results page, click on the three dots menu and select 1 Page PDF.
Where the owner’s name is available, you may click on the toggle switch to include (blue) or exclude (grey) the names in the report. Click on Generate Report to proceed.
For properties where the owner’s name is not available, the switch will not be active. Click on Generate Report to proceed.
A window will pop up where you will have the option to Print or Download the report.