Identify properties that have been advertised on the market within the last 365 days but have not recorded any listing activity or sale within the last 100 days.
To start your search, select the Address tab on the homepage and select Withdrawn.
Enter the locations you are prospecting in.
Click on the search icon to run the search.
Image 1: Searching for withdrawn listings.
On the search results page, you may use filters on the filters bar to narrow down your search results. Filter by Property Type, property attributes, and Listing Price. Click Search to apply the filters on your search results.
Image 2: Applying filters.
If you need additional filters, click Filters to access other filters such as Land Type, Development Zone, Year Built etc.
Image 3: Accessing and applying additional filters.
The Filters pop-up window displays all the filters you have selected (indicated in blue). Click through the filters menu on the left to view and select filters which are applicable to you. Click Apply Filters to apply filters and run your search again. Click Clear all to clear your selection and start over.
Image 4: Selecting and applying additional filters.
Learn how to save your search, filter your search results further or select multiple properties to create a report.