Creating lists helps you monitor properties with specific attributes and characteristics, even if these properties are located in different suburbs. There are two types of lists:
Watch List: Save a property in the Watch List if you want to be notified of changes to the status of the property, e.g. when the property is listed for sale. You may only have one Watch List at a time.
Saved Lists: Use Saved Lists to group properties according to your research needs. For example, you could create a list of properties with a pool, a list of properties with a granny flat and another list of properties with a land size above 600 sqm. You may have multiple saved lists.
Note: The lists you create on will not sync with lists on the app and vice versa.
You may add a single property or multiple properties at once to the Watch List.
To save a single property to the Watch List, search for a property address and click on the star icon on the property detail page. Next, tick the My Watch List checkbox.
Image 1: Adding a property to a Watch List.
To save multiple properties to the Watch List, run a search that would yield multiple search results. Select the properties you want to monitor, click on Saved Lists and tick the My Watch List checkbox.
Image 2: Adding multiple properties to a Watch List.
You will receive a weekly email with updates about the properties in your Watch List. You may also view notifications by clicking the bell icon and selecting the Saved Lists tab. Updates will be displayed in the My Watch List panel.
Image 3: Viewing Watch List notifications.
You may create a Saved List before or after searching for properties. To create a list before searching, click on the bell icon at the top navigation bar, select the Saved Lists tab and click on Create Saved List.
Image 4: Creating a new saved list.
Enter a name for the list you want to create and click save.
Image 5: Creating a new saved list.
After creating a list, proceed to search for properties and add them to your list.
You may add a single property or multiple properties at once to a Saved List.
To add a single property to a Saved List, search for a property address and click the star icon on the property detail page. If you are creating a new list, enter a name for your list and click the plus icon. Then tick the checkbox against the list you have just created to add the property.
Image 6: Adding a property to a new list.
If you are saving a property to an existing list, click the star icon on the property detail page and select the appropriate list.
Image 7: Adding a property to an existing list.
To save multiple properties to a Saved List, run a search that would yield multiple search results. Select the properties you want to add and click on Saved Lists. Select a list to add the properties to or create a new list.
Image 8: Adding multiple properties to a list.