You may refine your results by applying various filters.
Click on the three dots menu to access additional search options:
Access the Current owner only checkbox when running a Name or Company search
Access the Exact match checkbox when running a Building Name search
Image 1: Accessing various search inclusion filters.
Use the search type filter and choose between All Properties, Sales, For Sale, For Rent, Aged, Withdrawn and Tenure to change the fields in the filters bar.
Image 2: The search type filter.
Use the Property Type filter to choose between searching for houses, units, flats, commercial, business, land, farm, community, storage unit and other property types.
Image 3: The Property Type filter.
Use the Search type filter and property attribute filters to further refine your search. The property attribute filters will vary depending on the search type filter you have selected:
Select Sales to filter by Sale Price and Sale Date
Select For Sale to filter by Listing Price and Listing Date
Select For Rent to filter by Rental Price and Rental Date
Select Aged to filter by Listing Price and Days on Market
Select Withdrawn to filter by Listing Price
Select Tenure to filter by Hold Period
Image 4: The Core filter.
Click on the Filters button to access other advanced filters in a pop-up window.
Image 5: The advanced filters pop-up window.
Click on the three dots menu to access the Clear All filters option.
Image 6: Clearing all filters.
Use Keyword Search to locate precise features or data in homes to further refine your search. Some features may be "BBQ", "Water Features" or "Great Views"
Image 7: Keyword search in RP Data