A great starting point is to drive as many visitors to the agent's website as possible, such as a listing page. To achieve this, the traffic objective is selected. Performance is measured by the number of clicks to the chosen landing page. This objective is ideal for our mid-range buyer ads to create an intent to contact the listing agent and build audience data for retargeting.
The engagement objective is measured by the number of post likes, comments, shares, video plays and clicks and other actions signifying social interest. We recommend this objective for Just Listed campaigns to generate interest in the listing and for Just Sold campaigns to encourage homeowner engagement.
The lead generation objective is introduced once the audience has been primed and is closer to taking action. Prospective buyers are encouraged to fill in their details on an in-Facebook lead form before our clients receive the notification that they have a new lead to follow up on and nurture. This objective is ideal for converting in-the-market buyers and retargeting those who have previously interacted with the client's digital ads.