Allhomes Integration
RiTA can now reply to leads from Allhomes with our lead automations. To get this started you will first have to create a lead automation in RiTA.
1. Navigate to the automations menu in RiTA
2. Create your lead automation either from a template depending on your CRM.
3. Once the lead automation has been created you will need to reach out to us at Support either via Request that you want to set up an Allhomes lead integration and include your agency name.
4. Support will email you back a specific email address that is unique to your agency.
5. You will now have to forward all leads from to that specific address.
6. And you are done! Once those leads come through, RiTA will be able to analyse the data and reply on your behalf.
Q. Does RiTA monitor market data from as well?
A. Unfortunately not at this stage, she can only respond to your leads from