Send Alert also you to generate interest from your database of “in the market” leads. With your real-time database, you can match prospect buyers/tenants to your listings. Send Alert queries to the database based on key property characteristics.
For example:
– Give me all prospective tenants that enquired about a property over the last month, priced between $350 – $450 per week, has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
– Give me all prospective buyers that enquired about a property for sale over the last 6 months, priced between $600,000 – $700,000, has 4 bedrooms and 2 car garage.
As your database builds, it becomes more valuable. This function is great for advertising off-market listings (combined with Plezzel Digital Ads). By clicking the submit button, you are presented with a list of prospects who may be interested in the property. You can view the email to be sent by clicking the View Email link. If happy to proceed, click the Send Alerts button (you can also use the list returned as a prospect call list).
Tick the ‘Auction Alert’ box to change the email from a New Listing Alert to an Auction Alert email!
What does the Prospect tenant/buyer do? When people receive the email if the property is of interest and they reply to the email, the email communication is sent to the listing agent. You can follow them up directly; otherwise, they will be automatically invited to your next inspection if no action is taken.