As a user of Market Scorecard, the Agency Benchmark Report and Franchise Benchmark Report, is there anything I need to prepare for the new data?
The good news is that there is no action required for subscribers to our benchmarking solutions. With more agencies and listings and sales added to the data universe, you will notice from mid-November 2023 changes to market activity (Volume & Value) and your market share in the reports.
Will I be able to access the data that was previously available?
Once the data sources are updated mid-November 2023, you will only have access to the new dataset.
What do I do if I identify a reported number I would like to have checked?
If you’d like to understand more about how a result is presented in your Market Scorecard, the Agency Benchmark Report or Franchise Benchmark Report, please email Customer Care or call 1300 734 318.
Do I have to use the new data?
Yes, the additional data will enhance the current reports for all of our customers. With more agencies and listings and sales, the reports will provide a more accurate representation of the market and your market share.
I see that you have revised the CoreLogic Indices, is the change to Market Scorecard, the Agency Benchmark Report and Franchise Benchmark Report figures impacted by this?
The CoreLogic Indices model update introduced in October 2023 does not directly impact the Market Scorecard, the Agency Benchmark Report or Franchise Benchmark Report.