Open the estimate that you wish to analyse and click on Job Cost Analysis Report. The report will be downloaded as a spreadsheet file on your computer.
Image 1: Launching the Job Cost Analysis Report.
Open the file to view and edit the report. On the Summary tab, you will be able to view information about:
- Estimate: The total amount you have estimated for a project
- Invoice: The number of invoices you have received for a project
- Paid: The amount that you have paid to suppliers and subcontractors
Image 2: Viewing a summary of project-related costs.
Tracking job-related invoices
Click on the Invoice & Payment tab and use the template to track and manage your project budget. Enter the details of any invoices you receive. The invoices do not have to line up exactly with the items listed in the estimate. After entering a total invoice amount, click on the GST Included column to select whether the amount includes or excludes GST; select Y if it does, and N if it doesn't.
Image 3: Entering invoice details.
You may also track payments you have made in the PAID section. The template allows you to record payments made in stages as well as payments remaining on an invoice.
Image 4: Entering invoice details.
Viewing profit
After you have completed a project and if you have added all project-related invoices and payments , the report will be able to calculate and display the profit and actual profit you have made on the project.
Click on the Summary tab and scroll to the right to view the Profit section.
Image 5: Viewing project profits.