Use watchlists to monitor a set of properties with specific attributes and characteristics, even if they are located in different suburbs.
To monitor market activity within a specific suburb, read our article about My Territory.
Note: The Watchlists that you create in the RP Data Mobile app will not be reflected in the desktop version of RP Data at this point in time.
You may create a new watchlist by tapping on Lists on the bottom navigation menu and tapping on the plus icon or Begin a search here.
Image 1: Creating a watchlist from the home screen.
On a property detail page, tap on the star icon on the top right of the property photo.
Image 2: Adding a property to a watchlist.
Select Create a new favourites list and type a name for the list you wish to create and save this property to. Tap OK when you’re done. Use the toggles to customise the notifications you wish to receive. Tap Save to proceed.
Image 3: Creating a new watchlist.
Tap on the star icon to mark a property as a favourite property then tap on the watchlist to select it. You may select more than one watchlist. The selected watchlist(s) will have a green tick against it. Tap on Done to complete the process.
Image 4: Adding a property to multiple lists.
To remove a property from a watchlist, access the property via a regular address search or the Watchlists menu.
Tap on Lists and select the watchlist the property is currently saved to. Tap on the star icon and then tap on the corresponding watchlist (with a green tick) to remove the property from the watchlist. The green tick should disappear once you have done this. Tap Done to complete the process.
The same steps apply if you wish to remove a property from multiple watchlists.
Image 5: Removing a property from a watchlist.
To change the watchlist a property is associated with, tap on the star icon and then tap on the corresponding watchlist (with a green tick) to remove the property from the current watchlist. The green tick should disappear once you have done this.
Next, tap on the watchlist that you would like the property to be associated with. Tap on Done to complete the process.
If you wish to move the property to a new watchlist, tap on Create a new Watchlist or the plus + icon at the top right of the screen and follow the prompts.
Image 6: Moving a property between watchlists.
Tap on Lists on the bottom navigation menu and select a Watchlist. Tap on the cog icon at the top right of the screen. Use the toggles to customise the notifications you wish to receive. Tap Save when you're done.
Image 7: Setting notifications for a watchlist.
To rename a Watchlist, tap on the cog icon to access the Watchlist settings. Tap on the Name field, type in a new name and tap Rename.
Image 8: Renaming a watchlist.
To set notifications for a sale anniversary on your saved watchlist property, scroll down and select the box under Sale Anniversary.
Image 9: Setting notifications for sale anniversary