Note: You need administrator access to complete the steps outlined in this article.
Account administrators can create new templates giving agents more options for saving and standardising their RP Proposals.
On the templates page click on New Template.
Image 1: Creating a new template on the templates page
Enter a name for your template and choose the default template you'd like to work from, the Proposal version and the default theme you'd like applied then click next.
Image 2: Entering new template details
You now have a new template where you can make changes, lock editing, add sections and reorder content. For more information on editing templates see customising your proposal template . Once finished editing, press save to save your new template.
Image 3: Customising your Proposal template
Once your template is saved you will see it in the list of your templates. Make changes any time by clicking the edit button, click Activate to make your template available to all agents on the RP Proposals account or Deactivate to remove it from the available templates.
Image 4: Activating or Deactivating a template
To delete any of your custom templates, first Deactivate them and then delete them by clicking the 3 dots on the right hand side, then selecting Delete.
Image 4: Deleting a custom proposal template
When any users on the account are now creating new RP Proposals, your new template will be available in the Template drop down menu.
Image 5: Users accessing a new template