What are Automations?
Automations allow you to delegate prospecting to RiTA. Just like call lists, automations are configured with a set number of contacts per list, days of the week and a segment of your database from which to find contacts.
On the days RiTA’s automated lists are set to go out, she will generate a list in the morning for you to review, you have the opportunity to skip any contacts you would prefer did not get an Automation, however RiTA will send her list automatically whether you have done the review process or not. You can choose to Abort a list if you prefer not to send any communications at all.
Here’s how to review and moderate RiTA’s Automated Lists.
How to Review Your Scheduled Automations
On the days your automations are scheduled to go out, RiTA will generate lists in the morning, placing them in your Scheduled section (1) for moderation.
From here you can see the scheduled send time (2), Abort the list(3), Send the list immediately(4) or open the list by clicking on its name to review the contacts(5).
If you don't do anything before the scheduled time RiTA will automatically start the list.
Once you open a scheduled list, you will be able to see the contacts RiTA has chosen to talk to.
If you don’t want to send the message to a specific contact, simply tap the “Don’t Send” button (5). This will give you the option to tell RiTA to exclude the contact from today’s list or for a period of time.
If you notice groups of contacts in your scheduled lists that should be excluded, you may need to adjust your automation filters. Please speak to your RiTA Supervisor in the office to get them to check the settings applied to the automation or contact support using the chat icon or by emailing support@getaire.com.au
You can also preview the email or SMS from within the Preview card (6) below the contact’s recent activity.
Once you are satisfied with the scheduled list, you can either leave it to send at the scheduled time by selecting “Go Back to Scheduled”. Or if you want the automation to begin immediately, you can select “Send Now”.
Sent and aborted lists will remain on the Scheduled page below unsent lists. You can see these lists from previous days using the filter button (7).
Once your list has been sent, if someone has a conversation with RiTA, she will generate a follow up for you to complete. She will notify you via email that there is a follow up to review and action in your inbox.
Where can I see a history of follow ups from Automations?
You can see all past follow ups assigned from automations by going to Analytics > Automations. If you do not have Admin Access please speak to the RiTA Supervisor in your office.
How Can I Change the Language or Scheduled Time of an Automation?
If you want to change the language, scheduled time or filters of your automation and you do not have Admin access please speak to your RiTA Supervisor in the office.
How will I know when I have automations to review?
Your daily RiTA email will show you if there are any items in your Scheduled Lists for you to review. The person who set up your automation can tell you which days it has been scheduled to send.