You can add and/or update holiday dates against your automations so that RiTA won’t reach out to your contacts during that set period. To add these dates, please refer to the steps mentioned below:
Confirm the dates.
Go to your account.
Go to automations tab.
Go to all active automations.
Scroll down to the scheduleand review section, here you will see Rita’s Scheduled Holidays.
Add the dates.
Go to the bottom and click ‘Save’. Once done you can leave the page with the updated automation and it is done.
Note: Users can setup holiday dates to the automations assigned to them, and admins can do it for any automations in the account.
If you need support with adding these holiday dates, please confirm the following details mentioned below to our support team:
Confirm name of agency that you are associated with.
The dates that you were wanting to add.
For major public holiday dates across Australia such as i.e. ANZAC day, you can reach out to our RiTA support team as we may be doing a bulk holiday update to all automations for the customers.
For more guidance on setting up holiday dates, please refer to RiTA Holidays.