List Automations
Automations are only available for Admin users of RiTA. If you do not have Admin access please speak to your RiTA Supervisor in the office.
Note: An Admin can change automations, or a user with advanced edit permissions can also create new automations for themselves.
Two ways to learn! Watch the video or follow the steps below!
There are currently two different types of automations available in RiTA:
a List Automation and a Lead Automation.
A List Automation is for outbound activity and is used to initiate conversations with known contacts via SMS.
List Automation:
Runs on a set schedule (5:00pm every day).
Can be used to target specific segments of your database.
Creates a list of contacts to send the SMS conversation to that can be reviewed and moderated prior to the conversation being sent out.
In this article we will show you how to set up a List Automation.
Setup or configure a List Automation:
Before you begin, ensure you have Admin access in RiTA.
To begin simply click on the icon on the left hand side that says ‘Automations’ as shown below:
This will open the Automations Dashboard. At the top, you will see automations that are currently active, then configured automations that are not active, and then RiTA’s automation templates. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and find a list or lead automation and then click the three vertical dots and select Edit Automation:
Note: Before you begin to fill out the template, you will notice a Master Switch(This is the on/off switch - turn this off whilst configuring your automation) at the top of the screen. Ensure this is turned off for now and only turn on when you are ready to start the SMS conversations.
Contact filters
This functions exactly the same as when configuring a list. Keep in mind that for an SMS Conversation or sending an email, you’ll want to be sure to add in filters that target contacts you can send an SMS to or email.
Last engagement date
It's a good idea to always have this filter on so contacts aren't engaged via SMS too often, we usually suggest having it at 30-90 days since last engagement
Schedule & Review
List reviewer
Who will be given the list to review before RiTA sends it.
This selection is necessary, but the assigned user doesn’t have to review the list before RiTA sends it. Just remember that if the list reviewer does not abort the list for the day (if required) RiTA will send the list at the scheduled time.
If you have specified ‘One list per Contact Owner/Recommended Agent’, set this to the same so that the person RiTA is sending the list for can review it before it goes out.
Days and Send Start Time
Specify which days the automation should run on (and create review lists)
Specify the time that RiTA will automate the Review lists. Agents will be able to review the list up until this time, when RiTA will start the automation.
The send time is dependant based on the user setting up the automation; if you are based in Brisbane and the client is in Melbourne and wants it to go out at 5pm, you need to set the start time to be 4pm on your end to it reflects correctly on their end.
RiTA’s Scheduled Holidays
This pauses a list automation from running between the specified dates, even if the automation Master Switch is left ‘on’.
You can have multiple holidays.
Daily list size
This is the number of possible contacts that RiTA will put into a list; if there are 50 contacts who meet the criteria to be automated (see next section) and the limit is 20, RiTA will only show the best 20. So she will pick the best 20 based on a combination of contact ‘star’ score, and how relevant the top 3 topics on a contact are.
Set this limit to what you think is best based on the agents schedule and how likely they are to be able to action the follow ups that this automation may generate. Be aware that the more contacts in a list potentially equals more replies coming in.
Recommended list size - This recommendation is based on the number of available matching contacts and the conversation frequency you have selected.
Communication Channels
One of these channels MUST be selected for an automation to run:
- Single Email 1. Select this to send a single Email as part of the automation. You may need to review the Email content if using a template, and you will have to create it from scratch if not using a template. Click here to learn how to configure a Single Email
- SMS Conversation 2. Select this to include SMS conversations as part of the automation. You can use multiple SMS conversation templates in a sequence and order that sequence in a way that best suits your needs. Click here to learn how to configure an SMS Conversation
Create Follow Ups
SMS Conversation with any response
Creates a follow up if there is a reply to the SMS, regardless of how far through the conversation it is. Assign this to either the lead agent who is reviewing the lists, or another person to manage the responses.
SMS Conversation with no response
Creates a follow up if there is no response to the conversation within 24 hours of it being sent.
Recommend to leave this off, unless the agent wishes to know who is not responding to their SMS.
Contacts who opened [ x ] or more times / Contacts who clicked [ x ] or more times
Creates a follow up when the email sent is opened or clicked the specified number of times
Recommend to leave this off, as this can get overwhelming if there is a lot of engagement (e.g., buyer enquiry responses).
Contacts with no engagement within [ x ] hours
For email, this is if there is no open/click activity, RiTA will create a follow up.
Recommend to leave this off, unless the agent wants to get the contact out of their database if they don’t engage.
Could not send
Creates a follow up if RiTA tried to send the email to the contacts email address or mobile number but it failed.
Recommend to turn this on to identify and clean up bad/missing data.
Fallback assignee
If for some reason RiTA is unable to assign a follow up to a user, she will assign the follow up to this person
You can set this to be a PA or the main agent.
CRM Integration Settings
Add note to contact in CRM
As the name implies, adds a note to the contact about RiTA sending them the conversation content. RiTA will send the full transcript of the SMS conversation back to the CRM. You can also specify here who should be attributed as the author of notes generated by the automated conversations.
Saving and Starting
This will save the automation changes. Please note that if a mobile number has not yet been purchased, you cannot save the automation conversation.
Save and Start
This will save the automation and start it on the designated date and time. Please be aware that if the time for the automation has passed, the automation will send the next day.
Now that the automations template has been set up, RiTA will create a List for you to review in the morning.
Review your automated list - RiTA will send you a list that you can review in the morning. RiTA will let you know when the Automation is due to run and how many contacts are in that list. From here you can Abort, Send or Review (by clicking on the card itself). If you don't do anything RiTA will automatically send the SMS out to your contacts.
2. Once you click on the Automation card you will be able to see the contacts that RiTA has chosen to talk to. From here if you have a contact you don’t want to send the message to, simply hit Don’t Send.
3. You can also Abort, or Send the list of contacts while in the list. If you don’t feel confident in the chosen contacts and want to pull the handbrake just hit Abort.
4. Whenever a contact has replied to RiTA no matter the message she will create a follow up for you to action. You can find these Follow Ups within your Inbox, found on your RiTA navigation bar.
5.Once you have opened your follow ups you can see the whole conversation RiTA has had with your contact. See exactly what your prospects have said to RiTA. Pick up the phone to confirm an appointment, or even if they’re not looking to sell today - your data is instantly cleaner
From here you can action the follow up
By clicking on Close this removes the contact from your follow up list.
You can also edit the Follow Up, changing the time it’s due as well as re-assigning it to another Agent in RiTA.
You can find more about Follow-Ups here.