Wondering why you have no contacts in your list, or why your call lists or scheduled automation hasn't generated today or sent off today? In this article we have some general troubleshooting steps that you can follow which will hopefully get you the answer you're after!
You can see how many contacts you have within RiTA for your Call Lists by navigating to your Call Lists section in RiTA and clicking on the manage button (click into the My Favorite Lists button if you want to examine one of your inactive lists).
After clicking on the manage button you'll be brought to the List Management menu, where you can examine and add additional filters to your Call List if you'd like - if you want a more in-depth guide on how to create your own Custom Lists click here.
But to see how many contacts you currently have that are eligible for your list, just click that Refresh button and the total number will appear where the "Refresh to see estimated contacts" text was previously - replacing it.
This can similarly be done for your Automations or Scheduled Lists - although this is only accessible if you're an Admin RiTA user.
To do this, navigate to your Automations tab in RiTA, and find the automation you'd like to examine the contact count on, you can filter for it if you know the name of it. After locating it click on the 3 vertical dots which will bring up your Automation filters.
Similarly like your Call Lists, once you're in here you are able to see the resulting contacts of that automation based off it's current filters. You can additionally add/remove/edit filters here, ensuring that you click the 'refresh' button to see your new amount of contacts.
If the resulting number is low or even zero in your lists, and you want to have some quick fixes you can try the following.
As mentioned earlier in this article, while viewing your resulting contacts in your Call Lists and Automations
Some suggestions include:
In an Owner Nurturing Appraisal Drive include Owners from additional areas that you may not be currently targeting.
Reduce the amount of time on the Last Activity filters, this would evidently result in your contacts being contacted more often as a result.
If you have access to another agents contacts, use their contacts too!
Utilize contacts that have no agent ownership.