Stored URLS
There have been scenarios where the consumers are storing the old URLs in the database, since signed URL have been introduced in the new SIH image service consumers will no longer be able to use the stored old das-web URLs. Consumers are advised to replace the existing das-web URLs with the new SIH URLs. In case of any queries kindly reach out to
Resizing Images
In the old Das-Web Service consumers were able to modify the dimensions of the image by changing it part of the URL, however in the new SIH service consumers may no longer be able to do this. User may opt to use the base photo URL returned as part of the response in the property details service and perform any custom resizing at their side. As part of the new URLs only 3 default dimensions would be provided – large, medium and thumbnail.
Services Impacted
This will affect the image URLs being returned under the following endpoints: calls made to methods under the following services:
Property Details
- Property Image
- Property Default Image
Property Services (Legacy)
- Property Detail (returnFields=propertyPhotoList)
Search Services
- Property Search
- OTM for sale search
- Property last sale search
- OTM for rent search
- Property radius search
Comparable Services
- Comparables (returnFields=propertyPhotoList)
- All reporting services – Images within these reports will now be returned via this new service by default. No action required by integrators.