To view a specific school catchment area, select Address on the home screen and type the school name in the search bar. Predictive text suggestions will appear as you type. The graduate cap icon indicates which suggestion is a school. Select the school you wish to research further.
Image 1: Searching for a school from the home screen.
On the next screen, you will see the school location pin and its catchment area shaded in purple. If a school does not have a catchment area, you will see only the school location pin.
The school information panel displays the school address, school classification and a link to the school website.
If you have feedback about the school information displayed, for example, you are aware there’s been a change to the school catchment area, tap on the Suggest Information about this school link. Type your feedback in the comment box and tap Send.
Share this information with others by tapping on the share icon on the top right of the screen.
Image 2: Viewing school information and sending feedback.
After searching for a school, you may search for properties within a school catchment area by tapping Search within this catchment. Properties within the school catchment area will be displayed in a map view. You may use filters to refine your search results and tap on the List icon to view properties in the list view.
Image 3: Searching for properties within a school catchment area.
After using the filters to refine your search results, you may generate a report of the properties within a school catchment area. In List view, tick the checkboxes to select the properties to include in your report. Next, tap on the report name to generate the report and tap on Share to send the report.
Image 4: Generating a report.
After searching for a specific property, scroll down to the Nearby Schools panel. The map displays the property and school location. By default, you will see the schools that the property is zoned for. Tap on All nearby to view other schools in the area.
Schools are categorised by colour and letter for easy identification:
Grey/C represents a Combined Primary and Secondary School
Blue/P represents Primary School
Aqua/S represents Secondary School
Purple/S represents Special School
The tags under the school name provide further school information:
Single/Mixed Gender
Year Range
Student Enrolment Numbers
The distance between the school and the property is also displayed.
Image 5: School catchment area and nearby schools' information.
Tap on a school to view travel times and the property’s location within the school catchment area.
Image 6: Identifying travel time between a property and a school.
Watch this video to learn more about viewing school information on the RP Data Mobile app.